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City Council Meeting 03/16/2006
Auburn City Council
Meeting #15
March 16, 2006

Roll Call – Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith and Dempsey, Mayor Lattimore - Present.

Staff Members Present –John Salomone, City Manager; Thomas Leone, Corporation Counsel; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Lisa Green, Comptroller; Trish Geer, Secretary to Corporation Counsel, Gary Giannotta, Police Chief; Steve Lynch, OPED Director; Mike Quill, Fire Chief; Bill Lupien, Engineering Superintendent.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

The Mayor asked for a moment of silence.

Presentations and Proclamations

The City Clerk read the following –

A proclamation commending and saluting the Ancient Order of Hibernians as they celebrate St. Patrick’s Day on March 17,2006.  Robert Fedigan, President of the Ancient Order of Hibernians accepted the proclamation and thanked Council.

A proclamation declaring March 22, 2006 as Job Readiness/Education Day in Auburn.
Tom McKellup accepted the proclamation and thanked Council for the support.

Walt Aikman presented a brief slide presentation regarding preservation of Auburn trees. He proposed that the City strengthen the tree ordinance to prevent utility companies from being too aggressive when clearing branches for utility lines.  He provided a draft resolution mirroring language from other cities that prohibit or require permits to trim city owned trees.  

Public Announcements –

Corporation Counsel Tom Leone announced that the Auburn Fire Department would be holding its’ Memorial Service on Thursday March 30, 2005 at 7:00PM.  He asked if Council would like to move the meeting to 5:00PM so they could attend.  He asked them to think about it and he would bring it up under other business.

Ordinances - First Reading  - The City Clerk read for the record Ordinance #4 of 2006 granting partial exemption for real property owned by certain persons with limited income who are 65 years of age or older.  

Work Session ---

Status of City Wide Revaluation
City Manager John Salomone introduced Sue Chandler, City Assessor.  Ms. Chandler reviewed the revaluation process that her office just completed.  She explained how assessment values were determined.  Al Kowlzowski, from the Cayuga County Real Property Office discussed the assessments of surrounding towns and there impact on the city.  He discussed the equalization rate and how it is determined.  Council discussed and asked questions.  Councilor Smith asked the Assessor to include information in tax bills about exemptions.  Mayor Lattimore thanked Ms. Chandler and Mr. Kowlzowski for their presentation.

Discussion of Chapter 305 – Site Plans
Steve Lynch reviewed why the standard for development of off street parking and loading areas was developed, and it’s relationship to the City’s 1991 Comprehensive Plan.  He explained further that the requirement protects the health, safety and general welfare of the public.  He reported that when compliance is difficult there are avenues the city provides to be flexible to assist the property owner.  He recommended that the City not loosen standards on site development.

Council discussed.

Discussion of No Skate Zone and the Skateboard Park
City Manager John Salomone discussed the status of the skateboard park at Casey Park.  He reported that it does not get a lot of use.  There is discussion to consider moving or selling it.

Chief Giannotta and Council discussed the No Skate Zone.  Some Councilors want to eliminate it, and others want it reduced slightly while some want it larger.  Council did not agree on what direction to go in.  Councilor Dempsey asked if they could meet with some skateboarders to discuss this before making a decision.

Public to be Heard

Peter Tortorici, District 10 County Legislator and business owner, spoke to Council regarding the City’s site requirements when paving his parking lot.  He explained the financial hardship and negative effects the requirements could have on his business due to parking restrictions and traffic flow.  He also spoke on behalf of Chase St. resident, Vicki Trojnor in regard to her belief that the intersection of State and Pulaski Streets needs a traffic light.    Council discussed. The City Manager commented and explained that the intersection had been studied and it was determined not to be an area in need of a light.  Mr. Salomone also suggested that a work session be held to explain how intersections are evaluated to determine which get lights and stop signs.

Earl Staring, 5 McConnell Ave. – spoke to Council about the housing conditions at 255 Clark St.

Vicki Trojnor, 19 Chase St. – spoke to council about not being able to email them via the City’s website. She stated that they do not have web addresses.  Council acknowledged her complaint and promised to address it.  She also spoke briefly about the intersection of State and Pulaski St.

Mike Villano, 63 Washington St., spoke to Council about vacant property, the fire department and the skateboard park.  He expressed frustration at how the City is handling budget issues.


Council Resolution #38 of 2006 urging Senator Charles E. Schumer, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and Congressman Sherwood E. Boehlert to consider the impacts to the City of Auburn and other Central New York communities if the proposed cuts to CDBG are passed.  Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Council Resolution #39 of 2006 authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract with Cayuga/Seneca Community Action Agency, Inc., to provide energy-related services to eligible Home Repair Assistant Program participants. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Sewer-Water Repair/Replacement Program Resolution #40 of 2006 authorizing financing for the repair/replacement of a water line on the Sewer-Water Repair/Replacement Program. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Land Sale Resolution #41 of 2006 authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all documents necessary for the sale of 33 Liberty Street to Homsite Fund, Inc. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Council Resolution #42 of 2006 approving the expenditures presented for payment and authorizing the Comptroller to process the payment for same.  Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Tabled Legislation

Ordinance #3 of 2006 authorizing amendment to the Code of the City of Auburn at Chapter 234 – Public Conduct.  PULLED

Other Business
Corporation Counsel Tom Leone brought the Fire Fighters Memorial scheduled for March 30th to the attention of Council again. He recommended that if Council wished to attend the 7PM Service, that Council consider moving the meeting up to 5PM.  Council agreed.

Mayor Lattimore asked Mr. Dempsey to provide him with at report of AIDA activities that have been done since he became chair.

Recap  -- The City Clerk read the recap.

Council adjourned to Executive Session at 9:35PM and returned at 9:55PM.

Adjournment – Council adjourned at 9:55PM.